Hi everyone!
Okay, I have a favor to ask.
I own a Prevue cage for my ferrets.  A picture can be seen at
The design is WONDERFUL and my ferrets love it, all except for the ladders.
They went from having the black wire ladders from the Midwest Cages to blue
plastic ladders with no holes.  Needless to say, they have a really hard
time and are clumsy on the ladders.
We want to purchase extra ladders from Midwest and rig them up to fit into
the Prevue cage, but we are wondering if they will fit.  We were thinking
the ladders that fit the Penthouse cage.  A picture can be seen at
So whats my favor?  Can someone out there measure a ladder from the above
Midwest Cage so we can compare the size difference between ladders to see
if they are going to even fit?  That way we don't have to waste $20.  My
fuzzies would appreciate it so much (especially as they are getting older).
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Julie & Her Bubbas
[Posted in FML issue 3372]