Two things:
First, a response to Toni about hidey-holes.  Our ferrets don't really have
them, either-they do like to take stuff, but it gets dragged around the
floor till something else attracts their attention, then they just leave
it wherever.  They're otw normal, though! :)
Second, why does Tim F.  feel the need to constantly insult people on this
list?  Good grief-if you think we're so awful for keeping ferrets strictly
as pets, WHY ON EARTH do you continue to frequent the FML, to which so many
of us dumb Americans subscribe?  ("We Brittish [sic] should be proud of the
fact that only us and the aussies [sic] can use ferrets for what they were
intended for, and not as cosseted powder puff pets.") Please keep your
future insults to yourself-I am not the only one who has had enough of
being insulted just for insult's sake.  How was your comment productive in
the least, unless you derive pleasure in causing controversy and ill will?
Jeesh.  Just knock it off.
My two cents.
[Posted in FML issue 3371]