Hi All,
It is with a sad heart that, We, Marlene, Lorne, Otto ( her cage mate) and
myself helped Missy over the bridge last nite.  Dr. Mike looked at her
this morning and found a tumor on her liver and blood in her tummy.  We all
kissed her good bye and cried and did a group weasel hug.  Missy is now
with her other cage mate Buck, and i would like to believe they are happy
and health and eating all the good treats and playing with all the toilet
paper :)
My only wish is that some one will find a cure for all the ailments that
our little fuzzys endure and they will be happy and health and have long
Goodbye my Missy......  we will miss you, and give Buck a kiss for us too!
Tracie and the Lump-in-the-rug-gang
Mittens, Scooter, Trinity, Otto, Mac, Mishia, Wacky, and Shieka
missing Missy and Buck ( We'll see you someday over the rainbow bridge)
[Posted in FML issue 3370]