Hello to all FMLR's
I have to respond, to the posts made after i had made my anon post.  Yes i
am the one.  I felt so horrible that i couldn't do anything else to save
these ferrets that i was a bit ashamed, but i had to do something, anything
to try to get help for them, and i have reached out to you from Wisconsin,
to help a ferret in need in North Carolina.
My husband and I were @ Camp Lejune for a wedding the weekend prior to my
post, being a nonresident, and unfamiliar, i was a bit baffled, confused
and lost i would venture to guess.  When your mind is absorbing so much
so quickly, you only have time to sort everything out when you have a few
quiet moments?  I never forgot that TINY LITTLE GIRL, however, and had to
turn to someone, everyone and hope that there would be someone in the area
that was a reader of the FML, that could respond.  And what a response team
i found.
Could there be any better?  Everyday, we learn something new, and grow, and
i want to Thank everyone publicly as well as i have thanked them personally
for replying, and doing what they could to save a little girls life.  My
heart can find a little peace tonight, and hope that the little female that
was rescued from the pet store, is the one i remember in my heart.
And Diane, you know who you are, thank you for such good counsel, and may
you be blessed, for the love you have given your fuzzies, and may u receive
comfort for the ones u have recently lost.
Lynn, in Florida, too.  She has been tested for her inner strength w/the
losses that she has had to bear
and my very good friend Denise Peddington Davis, in her endeavors to help
her fuzzies in need w?her rescue
and all of you that i have met, on occasion...and those of you that i
haven't.  I love the funny ferret stories, and have cried right along
w/you in your losses...
I just don't fathom how anyone cannot feel love of some sort, for an
animal, be it big or small.  They enrich our lives w/their unconditional
love and trust, and antics such as our fuzzies display.
Donna & Dan
Bandit, Zeus, Jalepeno (got bit by the ferret bug)
Crimson & Clover (given to us)
Hera & ATHENA (our angel ferret)  (these 2 girls came from a basement)
Samson & Odysseus (my old fellows, came to me after i lost Athena, they
were dropped @ the Humane Society)
Sadie & Jasmine (got these 2 girls the same day as the above, from the
same place)
Fenris & Frey (ferret math again)
Aphrael & Flute (from another home)
Theodore Edward Bear, Blossom, Freya (once again, from another home)
Puma & Frack (pet store post, looking for home)
Prometheus (mommy said i had to compete too much w/the CUTE BABIES IN
Romulus & Remus (2 of the cutest competition for Prometheus)
Epimetheus (from the daughter who said, mom, don't buy anymore ferrets,
u have too many already, just rescue the ones who need homes? )
I have to go, and help daddy do a fuzzy round up, it is bed time for
everyone, they had a busy day of play...
take care all of you, and god bless
[Posted in FML issue 3370]