Well I hope to get this posted so I can get all of your opinions.
I have a fuzz butt named JJ.  She is about 1 1/2 y/o.  She has been a biter
since she was a baby, I know I should have been more consistent back then
but she was one of my first babies.  Since then she has turned into a Dr
Jeckyl and Mr Hide.  on minute she will be sweet and the next whole
digits(well maybe not the whole thing) will be bleeding.  I know this has
been discussed several, strike that many times but I have followed and
tried all of the suggestions but to no avail.  She seems to go for ankles
and wrists mostly, but has no objection to crawling up pant legs for so
me inner thigh.  I have had her thoroughly checked by a vet and she's got
a clean bill of health.  we did blood work and it came back normal.  I
have tried bitter apple, scruffing, time out.  I tried handling her more
when she can't bite but she keeps doing it.  I now keep her away from all
exposed skin and when she does bite I release her by pressing on the
corners of her jaw.  If anyone has ideas about training let me know.  I
will not give her away or give up on her but it would be nice if she would
quit biting.  I have 3 other carpet sharks that don't bite but she does.  I
have also noticed she is very jumpy.  she runs and hides when I walk into
the room then comes out to look.  Is it possible that she's just high
strung.  I have checked her sight and it seems fine at both far away and
close up.  I know she can hear just fine because she wake up from a dead
sleep at the sound of the treat drawer being opened.
Feel free to email me directly with any ideas.  Thanks
Tina Wagstaff and crew
Maggie: the cuddler
Nipper: the troublemaker
JJ: the fanged one
Digger: the name says it all
[Posted in FML issue 3369]