Greetings!  I wish this could be a post on a lighter note but
unfortunately, it is not.
I am posting because I am one of the people who responded to Kym Zorn
Longs' bartering for hammocks offer.  I responded by happy emails and
homemade hammocks sent to her right after the weekend she had made the
offer.  I emailed her a few days after sending them priority mail to see
if she had recieved them OK with no response.  Because I do not like to
pest people, I emailed her a total of maybe 3 times after sending them,
all without a single response or simple "thank you."
I do not mind helping people out when they need a helping hand, as long
as the request is within my means, & I have a sewing machine and the
materials, I like to do these things!  =) It is all for a good cause, the
I did read the explanation she sent directly to the FML regarding her
injury and did appreciate knowing she didn't just fall off the face of
the planet.  But it was/is still no excuse as to why she couldn't email a
"thank you" to those of us that went out of their way for her.  I just
considered it rude.  And I no longer expect anything in the mail.  I'll
just consider what I sent a simple gift to her fuzzies.  And after posting
this, I will consider the matter closed for my behalf.
Thank you BIG for letting me post this, I simply wanted to post publicly
to the FML since I do not recieve any personal responses from her.
~Kat & My Fuzzbutts Sebastian & Sampson!
[Moderator's note: I was unable to reach Kym for her comments and already
held this post a day, so I guess the post goes in today.  I'm sorry the
original post on the FML caused so much trouble for many people.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3368]