Well I have finally convinced my boyfriend our spoiled little boy Kilmer, a
2 yr old male sable, needed a cage mate.  I have been trying for 2 months
to get him in a pet store.  Out of nowhere saturday he said lets go for a
ride and drove to the petstore :)  We walked in and there was the cutest
little boy, a dew, laying in his hammock all alone.  Well lets just say
he's not alone anymore.  He is a rambunctious little fuzzy.  Kilmer was
nervous at first but seems to be warming up to his little brother now.
The little brother is 7wks old no name yet,lol.
I do have a question though the pet store was feeding him kitten food which
i will ween him off.  I know alot of people feed there fuzzys kitten food
but I believe they make ferret food for ferrets and kitten food for
kittens( i am anal about certain thing, hope no one took offense to that,
i never even fed my dog table scraps) :)  The only none ferret item Kilmer
gets is his favorite, raisins.  I feed him LM Gold which the girl at the
petstore said is not a good food for them at all.  Kilmer has eaten nothing
but that and is healthy as anything.  Has anyone had any problems with this
brand or was she just another petstore clerk moron.  The baby goes for his
1st check up on april 6th, nothing sooner :(.  He seems very healthy and
happy and has even tried to steal my keys, too bad they weigh more than he
does.  He is going to be a terror i foresee that already.
any info on the food would be greatly appreciated, you can email me at home
of you like :)
Thanks again, sorry it is long just very excited :)
Danielle & Mike
Kilmer :spoiled big brother,=20
???  :the little brother
Dreyfus & George : the fat cats=20
[Posted in FML issue 3368]