Nan asks if Kouri's pic is in "Guns & Ammo", one of the NRA publications.
Not that I know of, unless somebody else sent it to them.  Kouri gets
"America's 1st Freedom" instead of G&A, but I checked the most recent
copy (March) and found no ad with a ferret.  What's it an ad for?  I hope
they run it in the magazine Kouri receives.
As long as I'm here... With the earthquake and all, now is a good time to
bring up emergency departures - yet once again.  A pillow case is a fast
and easy way to collect all your ferrets and get them to the car.  I try
to keep a carrier in the car and have 2 pillow cases hanging next to the
exterior door in the ferret room.  Pillow cases are cheap.  They don't
have to be designer brands, rough course fabric you wouldn't want to lay
your head on, could save your ferret's lives in an emergency.
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 3344]