Remember when your parents used to threaten you that one day you would have
kids just like you whenever you got in trouble?  Well, I have no children,
but I did have the fortune of adopting a ferret that has all my petulant
qualities and more.  His name is Odell, I named him after the gangster in
Jackie Brown, and he lives up to the reputation of his namesake.  Whenever
I think I have lost something, it is usually found under my bed, under
the couch in the living room, or in the bottom cupboard.  Oh yes, this is
something he just learned to do and is very fond of, opening cupboards.  I
am delighted at this newfound ability, I assure you.  Another thing that
makes him jump with glee is the humidifier.  you see, he likes to take his
nose, push the lid off prop his paws up on the rim, and look at the water.
not drink, mind you, look.  and when I sternly say, "NO!" (as a proper
ferret owner in control is supposed to do" he looks at me for a second,
and goes back to looking at the water.  great fun for all.
I hope I haven't bored anyone too much, I just think at times the list is
very heavy, and people can use a smile from time to time.  While Odell's
hijinks are a pain in my butt, everyone else seems to find great amusement
in laughing at me and saying, "he acts just like you!" I, of course, do not
see the resemblance...
[Posted in FML issue 3344]