Our very loving Kodiak has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, Wednesday Morning,
he went in my arms.  Our Vet Dr. Susan, told us that some of the ferrets
may die early from the chemical posion that we all were exposed to.  We
discover a egg size lump on him and took him into to see the vet.  Dr.
Chris Forbes, was there and took a couple needle biophies on him, gave him
predazone (ms) to be on, but he went down hill fast,anything that we did
would help our baby, he knew it was his time to go, he slept on our laps
most of the time.  Kodiak is joining, Otis, Tazz, Shadow at the rainbow
bridge, he was enjoying the snow that cover his grave, since he loved being
Marie and Jim the 9 Most Wonderful Fur Kidlets who are missing Kodiak.
[Posted in FML issue 3324]