I have to say, I love that Swedish law about the cage size, though I can
certainly see how it's not practical for apartment dwellers (come to think
of it, I think I've looked at some apartments that were smaller than 5
meters square!).  There are a lot of different ways to keep your ferrets,
but I think in the end it has to come down to what you think is best for
you and your ferrets.  With the exception of a time when I was living at my
parents' house for a couple of months, my ferrets have had varying degrees
of free roam.  Currently, Amelia (and until he passed away, Cully) lives
free roam in my bedroom and study.  There are pluses and minuses to this,
but overall I feel that the pluses outweigh the minuses.
On the plus side, Amelia has always had good muscle mass (despite being
a little fat at the moment), she has many things to do to keep herself
amused, and she can participate in her relationship with people on her own
terms, something which I think is important flaky as it may sound.  When
she wants human companionship, she can some find us, and when she wants
to be alone, she can be alone.  The biggest plus is that she sleeps with me
at night (even mr.  respect-my-boundaries Cully would occasionally cuddle
up, especially on a cold night ;-)
Minuses include a bunch of litterboxes, not all of which are used
scrupulously, having to think very carefully every time something new is
brought into the space (how could she use this to get somewhere else), and
the biggest minus, how easy would it be to find her in case of a fire or
other emergency?  For the last, if I or my husband are home, we know her
sleeping spots.  If we aren't home, well... our rooms are in an attic, so
the chances of her getting out or somebody making it up to get her are
kind of slim anyway :-/  Also if a free-roam ferret is ill, clean-up is
potentially much worse-- I used the carpet cleaner on a daily basis when
Cully was weakening.  You may also not spot it as quickly if they have
been throwing up, though both of my ferrets always made rather a public
production out of any vomiting.
I've had my ferrets with everything from free roam of an entire apartment
to the more restricted current situation.  While I really wish I could give
Amelia free access to the living room as well, with housemates and a front
door right off the living room that's just not going to happen.  She does
get to come down pretty regularly though.  I will say, based on my
experience I would always keep my ferrets out of the kitchen from now on.
Even apart from the issue of ferret-proofing the fridge, stove, and
cabinets, it would be too easy to step on a ferret or drop something hot
while caught up in cooking if the ferrets are underfoot.
That's what works for me, anyway!  Happy Valentine's Day to all,
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
           And just when you thought as though
            All your tears were wept and done
        Sorrow's child grieves not what has passed
           But all the past still yet to come
[Posted in FML issue 3329]