I just wanted to say hello to everyone and there fuzzies.  I am fairley
new to this mailing list and I think it is the most infomative thing.  I
have learned so much from everyone who has posted.
I have 5 fuzzies their names are Mojo, Baby, Bailey, Bongo, and Pepsi.  I
am taking Baby and Bailey to the vet on thursday for their annual check-up
and shots.  I have been reading alot about pre-treatment for the shots.  I
don't think my vet does that, can anyone suggest a way for me to ask her
with out offending her?
I have also started a webpage about my fuzzies, ( I posted about it before)
It has a photo contest with prizes.  I just recently added a cool new forum
and I would like to invite everyone to come and check it out.  The web
address is: http://www.fuzzycentral.com
[Posted in FML issue 3328]