Hello!  Mikette, Jill, and Baby here.  We're sure that there are many
different lifestyles for us American fuzzies, but we wanted to share our
happy home style with you.  Mommy has a four level cage for us - we really
like it!  It has tunnels, cozy spots, and toys.  Even when she just had me
(Mikette) this was my cage - so I had lots of places to choose from while
in my cage.  (Mommy hates calling it a cage - it's a part of our home)  The
cage is in the center living room (we live an in apartment) so we're right
where the action is.
We are only in the cage when Mommy is not home or when she's going to sleep
for the night.  We roam around and rule the roost the rest of the time!
We're never left out!  As soon as Mommy wakes up or comes home she goes to
our cage immediately to get us.  We are her favorite reason for being home.
Of course we get tired and nap in our favorite spots in her bed or under
the sofa.
We are her first priority and biggest love.  She would love a dog someday,
but only if we approve!  She has made a committment to us and will abide by
it (yes, we understand other people's circumstances change) She won't move
away from our area because we love seeing our Grandma and Grandpal so much!
Her favorite friends are the ones that love us (geez, how could anyone
Mommy would love to keep us out all the time, but puts us in the cage when
she's gone just for our own safety.  When we have unsupervised freedom we
tend to get into predicaments.  Mommy is always around to do fuzzy head
counts and investigate unusual play noises!
Someday when we have a house Mommy wants us to have our own play room!!!
Then we can roam free in at least one full room while Mom's away - what
So do international fuzzies roam free all the time?  Wow!  How do you
ferret proof so well?!  Given time we can get into everything!  We've made
just about everything in the house ours, we've redecorated beautifully!
We'd love to hear about other fuzzie lifestyles!  I hear some of you
snuggle at night with your humans - how cozy!!
Mikette and crew
[Posted in FML issue 3328]