OK, OK, OK, Mommy has become maybe a little too excited for Schnapps' 5
minutes of fame, but can ya blame me.  Did everyone see his beautiful
picture on ebay?  If not check it out!  Even Jerimiah would have to admit
how handsome he is.
Is he handsome or what?  After looking at that adorable picture how could
you not want to bid on that hammock?  I am hoping that after everyone sees
Schnapps that the hammock will become the highest bidded hammock ever.
Come on everyone the money is going to a shelter.  And I would have the
proud knowledge knowing that it was my babie's face that made everyone
want to bid one it.
I think all the fame is going to my head, i'm feeling a sugar low.  I must
be because the ferrets are bringing me Cheerios?!  First eBay, next ferret
pagents, then Mr. Universe......
[Posted in FML issue 3328]