Hi all
Things here are kinda status quo for da time being.  Everything is going
A little guy came in today named Ratbert.  He waz met by Bandit and
Fatbert.  They greeted him warmly and wanted to know everything dat waz
going on at home and all da gossip.  They sat down to talk.  They talked
for some time and then they headed over to da Gravy Gourmet to get a bite
to eat.  All dat talking made them hungry I guess.  Then they headed off to
explore and show Ratbert all da sights and attractions.  They ended up over
at da Tube Park and said they were going to enter da tube races and win all
da prizes.  They did enter and didn't do to bad although their handoffs
were a little slow but they didn't win all da prizes.  They did win some
though.  I seen them later headed for Dirt Mountain to hide them in their
den for safe keeping.  Ratbert said to pass on hiz luv to hiz mommy along
with lots of hugs and cuddles.
Although I don't greet dogs as they have their own greeter over there I
did look up Tiberius in da puter thing.  He waz over watching da Wrestling
Matches so I went over there and gave him your message.  He said thanks and
immediately headed over to da dog area.  Hope he knows da language.  Some
of them dogs can be kinda snobish.
I am off to da races.  I am going over and check out da Crazy Kars and see
if I can get into a races.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3327]