Excellent and balanced points on kids at shows, Lisette!
Cathy wrote:
>I would also like to know if the book "Essentials of Pet Ferrets,A Guide
>for Practioners" By Karen Purcell DVM. is available in Canada.  Also is
>this book more for veterinarians or could just your average lay person
>understand it.  I have " Biology and Diseases of the Ferret" and boy it
>is mostly way over my head.
Karen's is the most accessible of the three out there.  Many book stores
carry vet books for owners of cats or dogs in their pet sections, though
none for ferrets, and I've often thought that Karen's could readily move
into that market as well but for now 1-800-252-2242, AAHA Press, 12575 W.
Bayaud Ave., Lakewood, CO 80228.  Another useful tool is the _Saunders
Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary_ published by W.B.  Saunders.
Hi, right back atcha, Dodie!  Wow!  Angel is still around!?!  It was so
touch and go with her so very long.  That is just so marvelous to know
that you still get to share love, cuddles, and kisses with her.
[Posted in FML issue 3327]