Hello All!
Boy do I wish I had known about this list a long time ago!  I am Diane from
MN and have 1 precious little baby-Kelsea.  She is almost nine now and
slowing down quite a bit...Just a few questions if you dont mind:
Has anyone experienced difficult swallowing or sort of like there's
something caught in the mouth/throat after eating or drinking?  She's
never had a hairball, and doesn't do it all the time, but is doing it
more often...I forgot to ask my vet about this, but will be seeing him
again next Monday...
I would like to know if Dr Williams still accepts samples for testing?  I
just had a little skin tumor removed from Kelsea's ear opening and need to
get the stitch out on Monday.  I have discovered a lump or what might be a
fatty tumor on her back near the left shoulder blade and will have my vet
look at it at the same time...Is Dr. Williams available to look at whatever
it is if my vet removes and sends to him?  My vet has a lab to send it to,
but I've already spent thousands of dollars on this little one, and at her
age, I'm not sure it is worth finding out what it is, but would like to
Also my vet gave me some Glycoflex last week to help Kelsea with her
weekend hind limbs.  She hates it!  I tried crushing it and putting it in
her food, her Hi-C orange (her favorite treat), and mixed with linatone
(also another favorite) and she gags on the stuff.  It is supposed to be a
wonderful suppliment and help wiht her weakness, but she absolutely hates
it.  Is anyone familiar with Glycoflex and any recommendations how to get
it in her?
Thanks for the WONDERFUL list!
Diane Chirpich & Kelsea :)
[Posted in FML issue 3327]