In 1991 we purchased our first ferret.  An albino with the sweetest
personality you could ever see.  Her name was ZuZu.  My son who was 3 years
old at the time,could not be seperated from this tiny little creature.  For
several years she became a regular at school for school projects,show and
tell etc.  At age 4 she had surgery to remove a benign growth from her neck
which she recovered from without problem.  Her constant playful ways made
us love her even more as the years went by.  About a year ago she began
to lose her hair and as a result of Adrenal disease,went totally bald.  A
frightful sight to say the least,she never stopped giving everyone kisses
and greetings.  Because she was now nearly 10 years old,she would not
likely survive surgery.  We then gave her the best treatment and all the
love we could, as we new she would be gone soon.
Keeping her warm and snuggling with her in her favorite blanket she grew
more tired as the days wore on.  She became so weak I fed her with a
dropper and gave her pedialyte to keep her hydrated.  I could not bear to
drag her to the vet at age ten to have her be given needles and probings
as we knew there was no hope.
On Christmas Eve,she became very ill drifting in out of sleep.  As always
on Christmas Eve,I lit Christmas candles to invite Christmas into our home.
I also lit one for ZuZu.  I said a little prayer that her suffering would
end and the good Lord would take her.
To my surprise,at 12:03AM,Christmas morning,her candle had burned out.
When I looked to her bed to check on her,she had passed away.
We will always love her and she always be our little Christmas angel.
WE now have two baby ferrts,Digger and Punky.  I do believe Digger is Zuzu
all over again and we are once again ready for years of love with the new
members of the family.
The Hamilton Family
[Posted in FML issue 3316]