Hi Sara,
I had a ferret many many years ago that I moved with me to CA [along with a
small colony of siblings].  He was so depressed and frustrated from the
move, that he started mounting the other ferrets.  I, too, thought it was
adrenal and my heart sank.  Unfortunally, I was in CA and was too afraid to
take him to a vet.  He continued the behavior all the way up til we moved
back to Iowa, where it immeditally stopped.  I took him to the vet anyway
and the vet told me that they can behave this way for MANY reasons-from
stress or a slight change in something, etc.
Anyhow, I hope this helps your friend a little bit.  I'm not saying to rule
out adrenal or anything, but just wanted you to know that there are other
reasons for mounting.
Take Care,
[Posted in FML issue 3326]