Hi to all,
My Savannah is about 3 years old.On Friday she started a whoofing cough.
She didn't throw up,but definitely made retching sounds.  I took her to
the doctor on Sat.  2 Xrays were taken.  They show an enlarged spleen,which
we already knew.  We found that during exploratory last year.  There is
another abdominal mass,which may or may not be cancerous.  She has a
somewhat enlarged heart which is pulling the esophagus to the right causing
it to arch.  She appears to have some fluid on the lungs.  Doctor suggested
Lasix,but is concerned about keeping her hydrated enough.  She said if
she doesn't take enough liquid,it could do more harm than good.  She was
coughing a while on Sunday afternoon/evening,but after she ate and went to
bed,I have not heard anything.  I feed her chicken gravy 2 times a day, for
breakfast,and at bedtime and she has access to hard food all the time.  She
weighs 2lbs.  08 oz,but a lot of that is her spleen.  She will not take
extra water on her own,so I was adding a little gravy to it to flavor it
and also put a few drops of tone on it.  She will take about 3-4 teaspoons
at a time that way.
If you read this,Dr. Williams, I would appreciate any additional
suggestions or ideas you might have.  Anyone else?  I am VERY open to
Thanks in advance.  Condolences to all who have furangels waiting.  I am
hoping not to have another too soon.
[Posted in FML issue 3326]