I, for one, would like to see MORE children at the ferret shows.  It is
a learning experience for them.  They can see the shelter owners and
volunteers that take ferrets in, and we can help our children come to
realize how important donations are, and how important volunteering is.
They can learn the importance and difficulties of being a long term, onto
death, "pet" owner.  We discuss the loneliness and sadness of animals
taken away from their owners.
Pet expos are another good learning source.  I make it sincere, yet fun.
We discuss, read, and have an enjoyable time.  We also have moments of
reality checks-discussing with shelter operators some of the situations
that struck them deeply.  The kids learn a great deal.  I believe that it
may well affect their decisions as teenagers and adults.
Conversely, I think it is probably cruel to keep children at the show ALL
day.  That is a very long day for a child.  I let my youngsters determine
when we leave.  Otherwise, it is no longer an uplifting, positive
I also feel that people who desert their children should be spoken to by
personnel from the show.  Either they take responsibility for providing
proper supervision for the child that they brought.  Or they need to leave.
At a ferret show a few years ago, several children were "with" their
grandmother.  She basically deserted them for hours as she had ferrets
judged, met people, went outside with them.  The kids were left alone.
They were young.  One of them tried to steal something from me.  I doubt
it would have occurred if the children had been properly supervised.  I
thought of letting the woman know.  But by the time I saw her again-I was
packing up the car to go home.  I was exhausted.
Kids at shows??  I am all for it.  I hope that you all bring the family the
next time you go.  Unsupervised, vulnerable, helpless young children left
alone?  I would be upset if it were a ferret.  I think it is terribly wrong
for a young child, also.
My feelings and thoughts  on an important topic,
[Posted in FML issue 3326]