I would like to put in my 2 cents about the recent Warm Fuzzy show.
First, it doesn't matter who does a show, there are people out there
looking to nit pick about them all - independent and those run by the
large ferret organizations.
Second, judges should consider their judging, regardless if it is for a
specialty or championship show, just as they would if they were going to
their real job.  You are there working for the group hosting the show,
that's your job for the day.  If you wouldn't take your kids into your
office for the day and let the run around unsupervised, please don't do it
at a ferret show.  Also, don't expect the other show goers to be your baby
sitter.  Most shows are too long and boring for most kids.
Next, just because someone decides they do not want to have children, or if
they are unable to have children, that doesn't mean they hate kids.  I may
have decided early in life not to have kids and I do like kids.  I like
well-behaved kids.  There are several well-mannered children who attend the
ferret shows.  And it is a pleasure to see them taking part and enjoying
the day showing their ferrets.
People also have to remember that it's usually the unruly, unsupervised
young'uns, running around the show hall, poking their fingers in ferret
cages.  Then the kid gets bit and the ferret is the one who takes the heat.
If we have to keep our pets under control at all times, please respect the
other show goers and keep your unruly children in line.
Next, the same people win all the time.  Well, gee I wonder why that is?
Maybe because they have taken the time to find out what wins in shows and
has worked with and maintained their ferrets in order to win.
And last, in this day and age why would any group have a group playpen
for everyone to let ferrets interact with other's ferrets?  Can you say
'cross-contamination pit?' Not counting the big two health plaques on the
domestic ferret - ECE and ADV.  What about mites, fleas, upper respiratory
infections, e-coli, helicobacter, mange, ringworm and just the stress on
ferret not used to being with other ferrets!  This is irresponsible on the
part of the club and could open them up to liability if someone's ferret
contracts something from being in the playpen.
[Posted in FML issue 3324]