Did anyone see the PBS program Scientific American Frontiers this week?
It will be airing later this week in some areas of the country.
In a segment called "Life in Dog Town," Alan Alda describes the decline
and rise of the Black-Footed Ferret (BFF).  You can read a summary of the
segment, and eventually even watch the program online, at
Especially important to note is that less than 10% of captive-raised BBF's
survived their first month in the wild.  Now that the wildlife biologists
have instituted a "school" to train kits how to survive in the wild, 70% of
the BFF's survive the first year.  Still, of the seven prairie dogs towns
where BFF's have been reintroduced, there is only one self-sustaining
population of BFF's in the world.
The Beach Boyz*
surf on over to http://Beach_boyz.go.cc
Californians for Ferret Legalization:  http://www.ferretnews.org
Get & use the CFL Wanted poster:  http://ferrets.go.cc
[Posted in FML issue 3323]