If you are not familiar with the Loving Care rescue that Kista and others
did please read:
Rescue Efforts
(not for the faint of heart)  If you have read it... read it again.....and
burn it into your memory.
Despite dead carcasses, despite photographs, depite hard evidence, despite
Kim fighting so hard for this case so it never happens again, despite this
happening in a supposedly animal friendly state... the courts did not make
a just, nor reasonable, rational, logical, or resposnible decision.  I'm
ashamed to say I was born in NJ today.  Ashamed!
Right after this travesty happened... I found the above site and learned
about it.  I never heard of Kista shelter.  I wrote the young woman an
email in support of her rescue.  She returned a nice note back.  Months
later, I met Kim Rushing online, and liked her very much.  Then a couple
months after that...I realized it was the very same Kim that I was in awe
of that did the rescue.  I've had the opportunity to meet her in person
and go the her shelter since then.  And I'm proud to call her friend.
She doesnt' know it...but she was my hero for doing all she did that day.
I'm hoping now on this day... she'll know it.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3323]