The loving ferrets/Linda Rodriguez court hearing was today(yesterday by
the time this posts) in New Jersey.  To refresh everyone's memory here is
the link to what happened at her "shelter"
Kim from Kista and I went and it was nauseating-- we were both so upset
that if it had gone on much longer we were going to have to walk out.  ALL
charges were DROPPED!!  No FINE-- No ANYTHING-- As far as I understand
everything has been suppressed and "this never happened" Apparently the
SPCA did something incorrectly in the seizure and it was deemed unlawful.
This was the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed--Loving Ferrets
is now free and clear to be a "shelter" again without so much as a slap
on the wrist.
It has been a very upsetting day.
[Posted in FML issue 3323]