On Wed, 7 Feb MurrayBurke wrote:
>I treated him with Ivamec oral and thought I had got on top of it.  But
>maybe not as I can not see into his cauli ear.  He lost an awful lot of
>weight and then lost the use of his back legs.  ......Shortly after he
>took ill I noticed He had quite bad ear mites.  I gave both these boys a
>good dose of Ivomec oral.  Coincidence i suppose, but they did start to
>improve and, well, I just wondered if earmites could trigger a
>neurological responce.
I am not Dr W, but I wonder if the problem could be the Ivermectin?  What
was the dose?  Did you repeat the dose?  How often?  The symptoms remind
me of what can happen if a human child gets too much RIDD for lice.
[Posted in FML issue 3322]