Bruce wrote:
>4) I always segregate my post-ops for three to four days minimum - I keep
>them in a sick cage - that way I can make sure what they are eating, that
>they are pooping, and that no one gets too rough or steps on the incision.
We also have found that using newspaper or Yesterday's News after surgery
rather than other litters keeps the wounds cleaner.  We limit exercise and
certainly climbing for a while, too.
Found Mary's comments on Superglue interesting; will have to ask vets about
that.  We sure found that surgical glue on the incision protected it well
from our stitch remover!
Oh, Scooter still has one very tiny bit of stitching left -- think it's a
knot and a touch of thread.  If it doesn't dissolve on it's own will have
to have vet remove it.  Know that can happen; have seen it in a person.
Here's a really, really neat tool.  It's the Raytek Minitemp, a hand-held
thermometer which shines a red light (so that you know exactly where you
are measuring) and does a laser check about like passing one's hand over
ONE SITE) which gives an instantaneous reading of the surface temp at that
site, Scooter's stitch is one degree warmer than the surrounding area and
that's not a major difference but can indicate a bit of inflammation.
Figured the vets here might want to give it a look-see.  Mine was a gift
which was gotten from someone who knew of its uses for cooking form Gadget
Universe, 1800-478-4703 and is likely elsewhere though I don't know  (We are
not connected to the manufacturer or sellers of this product and have no
income from them.).  (Output 1 mW, wavelength 630 - 670 nm, Class II Laser
Product, complies with CFR 1040.10)
[Moderator's note: Available from laboratory supply houses too, but
MUCH cheaper in the cooking catalogs is you don't need the calibration
certificate.   BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3322]