Well, I got to see first hand the other day how kits arrive at a pet store.
I was called down to check out the new commers and I got to release them
form their shipping crate.  NOW before I go into how the so called crate
looked and the conditions of the crate and the ferrets I need some info.
I kept the crate they came in.  I would like to put the photos of the crate
and the stickers on the crate, how they have food and water, not.  Also a
description of the ferrets.
Can I get into any legal trouble for putting the photos and info on my
website?  So many people just don't really realize what these kits go
through to get to a pet store.  MF needs to make their journey more humane.
Any suggestions?
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
http://www.geocities.com/a_24k_ferret/, come and visit us!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3322]