My two ferrets Figit and Snickers will not eat any ferret food, Figit loves
fruit, cucumbers, canned turkey and chicken dinner sliced cat food (the
soft kind), snikcers will only eat Kit and Kabodle dry cat food and fruit
loops and rasians.  I have tried every ferret food on the market.  Please
help.  They are both very active and very affectionate, but i am worried
they aren't getting what they really need.  They also get 1tsp of ferretone
each in the morning and at night, also they get ferretvite in the morning
30 minutes after the ferretone.  I have not noticed any problems with their
poop so I really haven't worried to much, they both seem very happy and
they got a great bill of health from the vet.  the vet said to keep trying
the ferret food, but it is just to expensive if they aren't going to eat
it.  ( I geive away brand new bags to shelters for ferrets becaseu they
don't like it.  Please any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Vanessa Clark
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[Posted in FML issue 3321]