We here in Central New Jersey were getting desperate for Stove Pellets.
On the way home from WarmFuzzy on Saturday, before we started out 90 minute
drive, we got directions to the closest Agway.  Unfortunately, we struck
out - they were sold out.  Good news on Sunday though... One of our
friend's mom noticed them at Wal-Mart --- yes folks both the North
Brunswick and South Plainfield store have them.  I am going to visit the
Manville store this week.  Figure if we keep buying them - they'll keep
stocking them.... Maybe some other Wal-Mart's in the North east will start
stocking them?
WooHoo!  I can't believe I get THIS excited over ferret litter!
Kristeen, JT, Katie, Matt,  Al & Stanley
[Posted in FML issue 3321]