>From:    "Ed Crist Sr." <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: WarmFuzzy Show
>We had a good turn out as usual and also had a grand time.  We hope that
>things will go as good with our July show which will be the 14th of July
>2001.  We also would like to thank our cosponsor "The Ferret Store" for
>helping to make it possible.  I personally would like to thank Mary and
>Eric from "Ferret Magazine" for honoring us with their presents.
As usual the Warm Fuzzy show was one of the most fun.  Very little of the
politics that ruin some of the other shows reaches yours.
We commend your entire club for the hard work you folks did!
It was great seeing Joe from NEEPS/TFS and Mary and Eric from MF again as
well as some of the usual cast of characters.
Maybe you could publish who all won.  We were so busy with our rings we
didn't find out who won the other rings.
>If you have any comments about the show please do not hesitate to send
>them to me so I can talk it up with our committee at our next meeting.
>[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
In particular we'd appreciate any feedback on the judging form any entrants
received after the judging.  These forms were our small contribution and
we'd like to work with the WF club on any improvements that should be made.
We look forward to the July show!
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3321]