Hey ERIN....the one in Las Vegas!!  Yes-you with the neked guinea pigs!
If you read this-get in touch with me!  I NEEEEED to speak with you!
What.. you guys are asking about "neked" guinea pigs?  When I visited CJ
Jones at her adoption day in Las Vegas at Erin's Petco, Erin kindly showed
me her two little hairless pigs!  Yes...bald as a baby's butt!  Funny
looking little things, but precious, precious!  I even got to hold
one...and if anyone wants to know what they felt like....write me off list!
Erin warned me before she handed it to me and yes, truly it did feel like
"this"!  LOL!
Considering the fact that it rained, I think they had a pretty good turn
out!  It is nice to see so many people working for the good of ferrets!  I
wore my HOFA shirt and had several people ask about it!  Yea HOFA people!
The highlight of my visit was being able to finally meet, hold and give
mushy kisses all over little Robin.  She truly is a beautiful little lady
and so lucky to have survived what she did!  Thank you CJ for saving her
and to shelter moms everywhere-Bless your everlovin' souls!
I also believe there was some reference made about my "normal" ferrets!
While I admit that back in their younger days, they were somewhat wild,
they have turned into the sweetest of angels!  And they are usually pretty
well behaved when they are awake, too!  Tyson did enjoy wiggling his hips
around impersonating Elvis...but Einstein got tired of his nonsense and
packed the leather suits and guitar up and gave it to the Salvation Army!
Pity, too!  I rather enjoyed "RiceBox Rock!"
One last thing-I ordered a pen fron Ferret Wise-it is totally, totally
awesome!!  I believe she has one for auction on ebay!!  Go!!  BID!!  It's
a great pen!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope, and Einstein
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure
of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything."
Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 3320]