HI ALl - Jerimiah Here!!
WooooooHoooo!!!  It is snowin here-- and first thng we gets promised a snow
pile in the AM -- Yep right into the shelter I am really, really excited --
so excited I have been on my best behavior!  I have not stolen the cheeri's
box all week.  Of course the ferretone bottle somehow crept into the cage
twice-- But I DIDN'T DO IT!  Right mom?  Dad has been cleaning the drive
and it is way up over his knees already with no sign of stopping-- Beau
wants to sneak out and check the white stuff out himself.  He made it into
the hall but Mom finally caught him -- so she gave him a big box with some
food kibbles in it to keep him busy for a while!
The box she said arrived for all us kids today-- some big bags of food,
some BIG ferretone bottles ( oh thank you, thank you wonderful person) and
some polar fleece balls.  All from a lady in the Carolinas who had some
pretty sick ferrets - she talked to her on the phone!  OH yeah there is two
nutrical tubes-- but mom said Bear needs them for his vet appts-- I guess
he can have them right?  They found a nifty way to draw the extra fluid off
his big ol' belly -- since he was having a hard time waking up after he
went to sleep-- so now Bear just stays all awake and the Mom offers him
lots of nutrical-- all he can eat while the vet lady draws off the extra
watery stuff.  I guess he can't get as fat from the nutrical as the water
makes him < grin>
Mom traveled over to check on Brodie yesterday at hospice house -- he will
get checked at Dr George's soon he has a big big belly too- and some days
can't get his butt up to walk-- these old fellas sure have it tough-- I am
so thankful I am just a pup!  Well we gots lots of laughs here as I have
more room mates.  4 of the NJ kids have done moved into the cage with me &
Rex-- so much for their cages!  Heck we visit their cages for playtime and
take naps there but everyone loves our big penthouse cage so we all hang
out now.  The Snowman a big white boy like me but without the spot is
looking mighty fine-- the little DEW gal is a cutie too!  I miss the little
blaze gal-- but hear she is having fun in her new home.  Those pretty
little gals they really break my heart!
I hear the newsletters are getting mailed in a day or two-- Pretty soon I
will be helping ol' Bear out with articles of the most importance for my
ferret friends... though not just yet, he still has that part covered.  It
is getting pretty busy here in the shelter -- but what else is new.  The
folks is already making Ferretstock plans.  They has got a shelter coming
that will let folks make rubber stamp greeting cards for a donation, and
Ela will have seminars on making lip balm, the usual contests like the best
ferret tattoo on a human, costume events, etc are already being planned --
and they say it will be bigger than before at Ferretstock II- a
Celebration!  I might even get to go-- if Mom has enough volunteers to
help!  That would be just grand.  This year they are having a parade of
rescues where the folks can introduce their shelter / rescued ferrets in
addition to the 2nd Annual Blessing of the Animals.  It should be such fun!
The little NJ gal has been started on some reglan , and pred and is eating
okay -- she has a colitis kind of problem ( whatever that means!)-- and the
folks hope after taking meds etc for a while she will straighten out.  She
is dancing now and her stitches come out tomorrow-- she travels to her
hospice house on the 9th-- and until then gets to stay up with shelter
mom & chase the kitty-- she loves to chase the kitty-- (I like to eat her
There are lots of pretty things on eBay this week for folks who are getting
tired of the cold season- and all the stuff helps us get special treats and
good care too!  - here are a few of my favorites and stuff for everyone's
special Valentine:
Brite colored hearts valentine sleeper   ends 2/9
Fairies top sleeper    ends 2/9
Ferretville Mug ( with yours truly runnin' on it)   ends 2/10
New shelter logo pen with yours truly on it! ends 2/10
Colorful safari design sleeper ends   2/11
I hear lots of new neat stuff will be ready for the March 24th Ferret Show
in York PA!  Stop by and see what goodies the folks bring-- while your at
it see if you can find sweet little ol' me in the slide show at the shelter
The shelter web site is temporarily unavailable as they are changing over
servers so bear with us and it will be back up real soon!
Hugs- to all my friends--
Jr Mascot - Ferret Wise shelter
PS- I know that Iam truly loved-- I have a foster grandparent!
[Posted in FML issue 3320]