By Jove it finally came.  I have been trying to get this mailing for the
past few days on my own.  Thank you Debbie in Ohio for forwarding it to me.
I enjoyed the listings today reminds me of my beginnings.  I'm not new to
ferrets but I'm new to ferrets.
Went down to the pet store and picked up my first in a long time, Mr. Ruff.
He is my little one.  He goes with me everywhere.  He would go to work with
me if I could carry a littler pan the 1/2mile I walk.  You must understand
that I have 4 boys and one grandson at home still (the real thing kids).
So Ruff was passed off as Ruff, Squeeker, Rufio and what ever they wished
to call him.  My son Chris and Grandson Corbin decided that they couldn't
share so Sisco was introduced into our family.  The pet store never told me
that they could break out of their cage so Ruff and Sisco did there daily
and nightly runs out the nearest window cause it was summer and warm.  They
always left with bells around their necks but never brought them home.  No
matter how hard I tried they kept getting away.  So one day Ruff came back
but no Sisco.  Well, knowing that my grandson would be crushed I went out
and purchased another, Fred.  (Of course Corbin knew it was a new one.)  I
cried for days for Sisco, beings I am a checker in the neighborhood store,
everyone knew what was going on.  Finally someone told me about a ferret
refuge and I went running.  Yep, it cost $50.00 to bail her out.  So
needless to say I had three.  But loving every min. of it.  (They no longer
can break out.  Thank you Hubby.)
One day while making a pit stop, for my grandson, not me or Ruff, we were
stopped by a young man.  Asked if it was my ferret.  Well, whose else would
it be, pink leash and all.  (Ruff is a male.)  He offered me his two.
We made arrangement and I picked up the skinniest, stickiest, furless
creatures you ever did see.  (Knowing now what I know with disease and all
I wouldn't have touched them with a 100 foot pole.) Well, after a bath,
meds, nail clipping they aren't half bad.  My little bunch keeps us
hopppping.  Bed time is the funniest.  Never know which one is going to
get my husband up in the middle of the night (nibbling on the toes).
I almost lost Ruff to what no one knows.  I bottle fed him for 10 days
along with meds.  He couldn't stand, walk or hold his head, fever of 105.4.
My concerns are teeth, one of the little guys I adopted has a chipped tooth
front fang.  Looks a little gray.  Should I have it pulled?  The vet didn't
even check the teeth or clean them.
I'm looking for a set to breed any ideas.  Lots of room, can always get my
hubby to move (had the house before him).
Ferret stain glass?  Went to a Xmas show out here.  Found only one item
ferret it was a yard art out of metal.  I'm interested send me mail.
[Posted in FML issue 3320]