Dear Amy:
>I am not sure which of the three it is - no clue at all actually,but here
>is the problem.
>Everyone once in a while - at most once a day one of them poops a clearish
>liquid kind of stuff - sort of mucousy - but not brown or green or
>anything - mayeb a tinge of yellow - but really clear.  What is this?
Rule number one - don't be a stoolgazer.  Ferrets may occasionally pass
a mucousy stool - it is often when they are not eating (by choice or by
illness, or by being distracted, who knows?).  There is no food going
through - but the body will build up some mucus in the colon, and
eventually it passes....
Believe it or not, ferrets can have the occasional un-normal stool, or even
rarely, vomit without having a serious systemic illness.  It is only when
they stop eating, become lethargic, or string several poor stools together
along with losing some weight, that we get excited, or can even diagnose
any significant illness.
In this case, I would relax, stay watchful, but not get overwrought about
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3320]