My ferret Abby, 1lb.  8oz.  at last weighing, has had diarreah since
Dec.22,2000.  She possibly might of started a day or two earlier.  The
vet thinks inflammatory bowel (stress maybe wore her down).  I had been
introducing her to my other ferrets starting three weeks before during
playtime only.  The vet started her on Prednisone 2x a day for 7 days,
then 1x a day for 7 days, then once every other day for 7 days.  I don't
remember the dosage.  I didn't notice any significant difference in her
Next the vet put her on Bene-Bac pet gel starting Jan.  20, 1gm 2x a day
for 3 days, then 1gm once a day for 2 days.  That didn't help.
Now the vet started her on Metronidazole Jan.25.  I'm giving her 0.5ml
once a day for 14 days.  I've given it for 12 days now and don't notice
any significant difference yet.
From the start even before the medicine her stools contain each day a
couple pretty nomal ones and a couple diarreah.  The medicine doesn't seem
to have made a difference that I have noticed.  Through all this Abby has
remained eating good, no teeth grinding, she drinks well and plays the same
as usual.  I forgot to mention her age which we guess at about 3, we've had
her about 2 years, I kinda inherited her from my sister which is why she
was just being introduced to my bunch.  Anyways, Dr. Williams, I was hoping
you would have some suggestions about what is going on.  Abby has had her
stool checked 2 times, they didn't find anything.  The vet also felt for
any unusual lumps and didn't feel anything.
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Jenny and Abby
[Posted in FML issue 3320]