Hello to all, Sorry I haven't gotten back sooner.  We took Mouse and Sabo
to the vet, and everything went well.  Our 4mo. weighs more than our 2year
old.  Vet said we might want to switch from our Iams kitten food to Iams
cat food.  Sabo got his last distemper booster.  Everything was well until
we got home.  He started into a very bad reaction.  We immediately wrapped
him up and took him back to the vet.  It was like Dejaveau with our Bob
that we lost Dec. 6th all over again.  I kept on thinking I can't loose
another one this soon and this young.  He was so listless, I would move his
head and it would just collapse.  He started to close his eyes and I would
shake him and tell him to keep his eyes open for mommy and daddy.  Finally
we were at the vet, he took Sabo back and administered some meds to stop
the reaction.  When we saw him again they had an oxygen mask on him and put
him in the incubator.  That darn incubator again.  Our vet told us to go
home and he would call us every hour with an update.  Because we got Sabo
there so quick the vet said he felt hopeful.  We went home still scared of
loosing another of our fuzzie luvs.  The best way I can express my feelings
our with words, paper, and ink.  I wanted to share this with you all for we
already feel as though you are linked in our family.
Sabo's Song
OK my little Sabo boy
You just can't leave us now
We have just started to have our fun
This isn't fair for you to do to us now
Daddy says that he feels numb
and is trying hard not to cry
Mommy keeps reassuring him
that God will not let our little fuzzie die
So I am warning you right now
Don't think of closing your eyes
For if you do our tears will never dry
Continue to let your heart beat
So I can feel your love come through
For if we lost you, our second boy
Our hearts would never renew
Our soul would just wither and die
So please my little Sabo, stay strong
So tonight Mommy and Daddy won't have to cry.
We didn't have to cry that night except for tears of joy.  Our vet called
and said that our Sabo could come home within the hour.  I believe that
God heard our prayers for Sabo.  We are going to be extremely careful with
vaccinations from now on.  Mouse goes in for his next one in July.  As far
as Mouse and Sabo now, they are enjoying there new slinky tunnel tube and
having a ball.  Sabo continues to eat and become the rolly polly fuzz ball.
I need to restrict his diet somehow, which is hard with both of them.
Guess I will switch to the Iams cat food and restrict the extra treats.
If anyone has some ideas please let us know.
Keep us in your thoughts tomorrow the 6th, it will be 2 months since we
lost Bob.  It's getting easier but we still miss him.  Thanks and Blessings
to you and all your fuzzies!!!!!!  Sandee please remind our little Robert
that many xoxoxox continue coming his way, and mommy has found some knew
dance steps for when we meet again.
Dooks and Wiggles
Julie, Mouse and Sabo
never forgetting Bob
[Posted in FML issue 3320]