Hello fellow fuzzy lovers:
I have the deepest sympathies for all that have lost their special ones.
A recent post perked my attention, it was regarding a wheezing fuzzy:
>Hello all, I was hoping someone might be able to lend some insight on a
>problem with my ferret girl Minx.  She is almost 6 year old who has lately
>developed a coughing, wheezing, breathing problem.  It is not always there,
>and it is worse when she first wakes up.  She had a check up 2 weeks ago,
>because of this, and my vet could hear no problems at the time.
>She is very active, no grinding teeth or pawing at her mouth.  It is just
>that her breathing sounds like it is hitching, and wheezing, with some
>possible choking/coughing thrown in.  I have been giving her hairball
>meds just in case it could help if a minor blockage was present.
My 8 month old male, Squeak has been acting very similar.  It is not all
the time.  The noise he makes is similar to the noise they make when they
are standing up begging for treats.  At first that was the only time he
made the noise, but now I hear him running around making it as well.  He
has been eating like a chow-hound and playing like the normal tornado he
is.  I pick him up and stare at him and sometimes he makes the sound and
other times he doesn't.  He went to the vets less than a month ago and
everything was fine.  I will make him another appointment, but the ferret
vet is not in till Wednesday.  IM just afraid she wont hear anything, so I
was hoping I might get some ideas before I see her, that way I can ask more
questions.  I have also been giving him hairball stuff, and he has no other
symptoms, no grinding teeth, pawing, lick smacking.  All poops have been
very normal, and his rear looks good!  But something must be going on
because the hacking cough is not normal.
The vet that replied to the other post said it could be heart disease, but
Squeak is only 8 mos. old.  Not that it couldn't be possible but unlikely?
He also get his heartworm meds every month, and he is current on all
vaccinations.  If my baby has heart desiese I will die.  How common is it
in ferrets, not many post re heart disease.  He has never put on the weight
like his bud Raider, but that could be because he runs all the food from
the cage to the hidey hole and Raider sits in the hidey hole eating it
all! :)
Anyway, sorry for babbling so long, IM new to this all so any insight would
ease my wandering mind before our trip to the vet.
On a lighter note: do all ferrets slurp when they drink?  Mine are so
loud they wake me up during the night, it makes me giggle!  Not to mention
Raider makes a full face diving expedition each time as well.  Just thought
I would ask!
Thanks in advance!  You are all so wonderful.
Squeak & Raider, (who is still sad his namesake sank short of the
[Posted in FML issue 3320]