Kat, you have my SissyCat?  You may want to send her back to me.  She
requires 'special handling'.  First of all you have to keep the water
dripping in the bathtub, 24 hours a day, as she likes to 'shower' 900
times a day.  She probably has OCD.  Next, she has to inspect nearly every
bite of food you take, and will stand at your chair, pulling on your arm
till allowed to sniff the contents of your fork.  Then there's her TP
habit!  When people are using the litter box she requests her own sheet
of TP - to snack on!  Her food dish has to be kept full.  If she can see
the bottom of the dish, she begins a crusade to have it re-filled.  Anytime
someone in the house moves, she races directly in front of them, then to
her dish, trying to lead them there.  Like I said, you may want to return
Kouri will try to include everyone's recipe requests in his upcoming
book.  Octopus, calimari, Florida hopper, fresh and frozen mice, and the
houseboater's special - 42 oz crawdad.  Oh, and gator (not the ferret)
Mahahahaha, our friend Timmy from across the pond had no idea our ferrets
live in the house?  Oh sure, like we believe THAT one!  And exactly where
would a ferret live?  In a seperate abode?  "Just mail me the information
please, I live at 123 Dewdrop Lane, or you can send it directly to my
ferret's residence, which is 125 Dewdrop".
Reno is seedy?  Kouri asks "like in poop"?  Well that does it, the
Kensington ferrets cast 7 votes for Las Vegas!  Wait, I get to vote too,
make that 8.  Mr. Percy abstains.  SissyCat is, ummm, elsewhere at the
moment.  What would we do at Hoover Dam?  Is it a dam made from old
Hoovers?  No Electrolux's?  No Dirt Devils?
Did we find a tattoo artist yet?  So all us wimpies can get tattood
together?  Wait, tattoos don't attach people to each other do they?  At the
same time - so we can all have our tattoos done within the same time frame,
thereby providing the needed 'propping up' some will need.  And those who
already have tattoos can add more.  Just think, in the next addition of
'Tattoo Artist Monthly', we might provide the new world's record for the
most tattoos of the same subject matter, and the most given with a 24 hour
period.  Our tattoo artist might win a trip to someplace else, and it will
all be because of our devotion to our ferrets.
I gotta clear something up.  When I read what Wolfy 'made up' about the
octopus story, it said Muffet hustled Gator or Hawk across the floor.  It
was GATOR.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Course, at the time he
was 'Ferret Baby #1', he only became 'Gator' after his wild plane ride to
the Florida swamps, wherein resides Miz Lynn, descendent of one of the
original 'Florida Crackers'.
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 3319]