Hi everyone - I am sorry about what I am about to describe - but I need to
do it.  One of my ferrets is having some poop issues.  I am not sure which
of the three it is - no clue at all actually,but here is the problem.
Everyone once in a while - at most once a day one of them poops a clearish
liquid kind of stuff - sort of mucousy - but not brown or green or
anything - mayeb a tinge of yellow - but really clear.  What is this?
Two of the three of them eat baby food twice a day of those two one is on
pediapred and has an adrenal tumor the other has a tumor but no symptoms
for almost 1.5 yrs.  My third ferret has had stomach issues ni the past -
she used to have days where she would vomit a few times (mostly clear)
and usually at night nand would have no appetite and then by morniung be
perfect again.  Most of the time I noticed her drink a lot before hand and
the vet thinks her problem (which is VERY rare - maybe twice a year and
just last a few hourse) is due to her drinking too much water.  But now I
have this strange poop.  I don't knwo which of the three is doing this - I
have seen them all make normal poop and never seen any make this strange
stuff - Ijust know it exists.  Oh, I also tend to think that it might
follow a pattern of baby food type.  I think - but am not positive that it
100% follows this pattern, but when I give them chicken baby food the poop
happens and when I give them turkey baby food, which they prefer, the poop
does not occur.  Could this maybe be some sort of allergy to chicken??  Any
help would be greatly appreciated.
Amy Isenberg
Assitant Environmental Health Specialist
(845) 364-3475
[Posted in FML issue 3319]