Dear Laurel -
Well, they're still with us, so you are doing the right thing.
Regarding Sissy and Ziggy -
1) Remember not to be a stoolgazer.  Concentrate more on them getting
their duck soup and as much as possible.  If they like plain baby food
better, then give them that.
2) At this point, you don't need the electrolytes - plain water is fine.
3) I think it's time that we can give Sissy and Ziggy a bit of help with
some prednisone.  Haveyour vet prescribe about 0.5 mg prednisone once
daily per ferret orally (give in the morning).  Some ferrets get a very
bad inflammaory reaction and until we can get a handle on it, they don'tt
pick the weight back up.
They are skinny now, but the fact that we've still got them is very very
encouraging.  Hang in there - ECE is a real trial.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3319]