To the FML:
A few days ago, someone mentioned that ferrets do not get Salmonella, and
that it was okay to feed raw chicken.
Unfornately, ferrets, although somewhat resistant, can get Salmonella,
and it can be a fatal infection.  The one thing that helps us out is that
actually, the chance of getting Salmonella in cheicken from the market is
very low.
My dogs get raw hamburger every night - my wife insists on it.  There is
a risk, although small that they may get Salmonella.  We take that risk.
Anyone feeding raw meat to ferrets, dogs, or eating it themselves needs to
realize that there is always a potential for salmonellosis, and that any
carnivore is at risk.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3319]