My ferrets get fed a kibble diet, but I'd like to try offering some meat.
My group ranges in age from 4 months to four and a half years, so the
tolerance level or willingness to try something new will vary.  I'm
planning to get a whole chicken to grind up and offer to the ferts.  (I'm
not about to try to grind it myself, so I hope the store's butcher will
grind it for me.)
Most of my ferrets have never had meat, and will probably turn their nose
from it.  On the other hand, two eat most anything offered to them, but
I've never offered them raw meat.  My question is this: should I serve
the chicken raw, or cooked?  If cooked, do I cook it before or after it's
ground, and how should I cook it?
[Posted in FML issue 3319]