When I see "10 times" I always think: "Bad eyes.".  Have had problems
ourselves (not with dosages, thank goodness) when people write .B instead
of 0.B.  It ALWAYS pays to put the zero first, then the decimal point to
avoid such easy errors, but not everyone (including sometimes people who
fill prescriptions at vet hospitals) knows this.  That decimal point can
be VERY hard to see!
Carolyn wrote:
>Removing an adrenal tumor does not stop the course of the disease.
>Post surgical followup is essential... 1 mg (1 drop, essentially) of a
>drug called Megace (megesterone acetate) given no more often than once
>every 4 days
Well, we've been getting diseased adrenals out for something like a decade
to maybe a dozen years now and have found the surgeries usually completely
curative except when a malignancy is present... Now and then a rare one who
will have had an acute on-set and doesn't get back fur or some of the fur
due to follicles dying, and one who had an actual vaginal prolapse due to a
secondary vaginal infection didn't have her vulva return to entirely tiny
size, but health has returned fully long term, as has normal behavior.
Guess you were referring to a few oddballs who don't bounce back?  Is that
Tammy wrote:
>I realized that without the taurine in fert/cat foods, that there could
>be problems
That's the safe way everyone has handled it for ages, but I am wondering if
anyone ever has done a study to find if Taurine actually is a nutrient that
they can't make for themselves?  If no study then still pays to be safe and
give it.
[Posted in FML issue 3315]