This is just an update on my ferrets with ECE, Franny, Sissy, and Ziggy.
Franny is almost back to her old self and the odd thing is that her cyst
dried up during her illness.  Unfortunately Sissy and Ziggy are not
responding as well.  Sissy looks like a walking skeleton and Ziggy has lost
every bit of his excess fat and "flat dogs" a lot with a huge sigh and a
sad look in his eyes.  I know they both feel terrible but I am keeping them
medicated, thank you Dr. Williams for all your helpful info on that before,
and I'm force-feeding duck soup and electrolytes.  When I used to read
about ECE I always felt sorry for the people and their ferrets that were
fighting this terrible thing.  Now that we're going thru it ourselves words
can't describe how terrible it really is.  The worst part is that they will
have a couple of days of eating on their own and their poop is almost solid
then just when I feel hopeful the diarrhea starts all over again and the
appetite loss follows immediately.  Mostly this is an update, not really a
request for info.  I promised everyone I'd keep them posted but I've just
been too upset to write.  Everybody please keep us in your prayers.
[Posted in FML issue 3318]