Thank you so much for your response about my ferret eating duck soup after
adrenal surgery.  It is so nice of you to take the time to help.  I feel
much better and will continue to feed duck soup as long as Ellie needs it.
I hope she will not be one that needs it forever!  I will also stop the
Pepcid as she has no signs of an ulcer.  My only other question is why the
weight gain?  I think it is normal to gain weight back after the surgery
and come to think of it she was chubby when we got her (she was 1yr), but
it seemed so fast for her to gain so much.  I don't know exactly how much
but I would estimate 1/2lb maybe?  She seems fine but I worry so much!  We
have had too many near death experiences in this house of four ferrets.
Thanks again so much.  You knowledge has helped us several times.  I will
be happy if she is just fat!  I will pray for her to eat kibble again so I
can get some sleep and not worry about her starving while I'm at work!!!
Thank YOU!
Kelly Foran
 & Phoebe, Molly, Sid and Ellie
[Posted in FML issue 3318]