Hi Ferret friends
Just a quick update.  Daisy has settled into her new home very well.
She has not met any of her brothers and sisters yet as I still have her
isolated.To protect the other guys.  She has no interest in her food at
all, even with the ground up cat food sprinkled all over it.  She takes her
duck soup only if fed by syringe and only if I scruff her to do it.  If I
don't scruff her she tries to get away and turns right away from the bowl.
However when she is scruffed she takes the duck soup willing and almost as
if she is starving to death.  I can't figure out why sruffing makes such a
difference but if it works.  I'll do whatever it takes.  She takes about an
ounce at a time and I'm feeding every 4-5 hours.  She seems pleasant and
friendly and every time I tell how much I love her and how happy I am to
welcome her into her new home, she kisses me.  She is so generous with her
kisses.  I can almost hear her thanking me for rescuing her.
Her poops are still pretty dark and loose, and sometimes down right watery.
She is drinking from her water bottle very well on her own, but they
seem to be less frequent.  She still takes her medications like a little
trooper.  EVEN the pepto.  I'm certain she is a gift from God.  My SO and
I have just recently ended a 14 years relationship and I have been pretty
bummed out about it.  Daisy was sent to me to remind me that others are in
worse situations than me and I should stop feeling sorry for myself.  Here
is a tiny creature who is almost starving to death and is very ill, but can
still love unconditionally.  She needs my attention and care, so I don't
have time to dwell on my own problems.
With the care I have given her and regular hand feeding, she has gained an
ounce!!  YES!!
I thank everyone who has sent messages of support.  It means so very
much to me and I will answer each one eventually.  Your support means
a lot to me.
Sally St. Germain and her 11 "Little Saints."
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3318]