Dooks to All...
Just a question for anyone with experience or one of the Vets.  My smallest
ferret, Corey (she's a 2 year old sable MF fert) who weighs a mere 1.5
pounds, SNORES.  I originally thought it was my big boy (4 pounds, 5 months
old) Pepper, but when she was isolated she came up as the culprit.  I don't
know if she's snoring, or wheezing, or what.  Can ferrets get sleep apnea?
I listened to her lungs (nurse by trade) and didn't hear any abnormal
sounds.  She only does this when she's asleep.  She's not being dog piled
when this occurs either.  Any insight?  Should she go see the vet?  Any
input would be greatly appreciated...
[Posted in FML issue 3317]