Dear Mr Montgomery, uh...may I bee so bold as to call you Monkey,
Oh oh my goodness.  I am blushing all over the place here.  I got to sneek
a peek at the fml thingie when mom went out four a minute & wowie wow I
read about you looking four Sweeties in all the right places yet and there
is MY name right out front in your mail!
And sumhow I figured out how to look at your picture and you are a right
handsum dude.  I can't believe you are not already taken.  >sigh<  Loridy I
would give up my whole stash of hidden treats if I thought you would really
be interested in me but I gotta tell you that I really am a older woman and
even with the Lupron shot thingies I am getting, (which are not really all
that nice at all cause they hurt) I am not getting any fur back on my tail.
I no that mom still loves cause she tells me I am beeutiful all of the
time, but you may not think so.
I did let my sisters look at your picture and I have to tell you that these
girls are really smitten.  Oooing and awwing all over the place and even
swooning yet, dancin and fallin all over emselves like kits!  Making them
look so silly, but I suppose that you might even like that.
Scoozie, Sadie and Qt are on the pudgy side, but just a little bit if you
want to feel you have a hold of sumthin you would want to go with one of
them.  Caffie, Rosie and Cocoa are more svelt sorta.  Mom says Caffie and
Rosie are "thin as rails" as a matter of fact.  Don't let that fool you tho
cause they eat like hogs.  It is just that they really xercise allot.  Mom
says they are all over the place at once.  One secont mom sees one of em in
the cage so thinks it is safe to go through the cage and beefour she even
gets threw it one of em is down from the cage & out in the other room!  And
they are always running and jumping and dancing round here like their fur
is on fire or sumthin.
That isn't to say I am not still frisky cause I can have fun to.  I'm still
real good at tacklin and pouncin, which you can find out if you want to.
I heer mom comin back so I gotta go four now.  I just wanted you to no that
you have all of the girls in a titter now.  This puter stuff is really fun.
We didn't no all you handsum guys were even out there and now we see two of
you.  Goodness it is almost more than I can take.  You better bet that I am
goin to have sweet dreams tonite.  Maybe I will talk to you later if you
don't get really swamped with lots of mail from other women.
Bye four now,
Blossom, Matriarch of Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3342]