I'm sending this to the fml also in hopes that others who have this happen
will know what to do.
Get a small cage and set it up really really cozy so hopefully she will go
into it to sleep.  Put food, and water in it also.  Sprinkle feretone all
over the cage to help attract her to it.  With some luck you'll find her
in it.
You have a computer so right away make up LOST FERRET signs that you can
put all over your neighborhood and give too all the neighbors within a 2
block radius.  Typically ferrets do not go far, but they do get confused
and you want to make sure none of your neighbors think she is a giant rat
or some other wild animal.  If you can add a picture to this, even better.
Squeak a toy, shake her treat can..anything that is noisy that will attract
her to you do.
Call all the local humane societies, rescues and the animal control.  Don't
just ask if they have seen her, leave your name and number so they can
contact you later too.
Good luck to you, I hope you find her very soon.
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[Posted in FML issue 3342]